Assiniboine Zoo

We met up with one of the teachers from my music school and her toddler at the Assiniboine Zoo.

While not the “world Class” zoo it claims and inspires to be, it is quite nice and has some top shelf elements.

One part that is equal to many displays found elsewhere in the world, is the “Journey to Churchill” In particular the part where you can go under the polar bears and seals as they swim

A favourite with the kids is always the hobby farm.

And the place has always been full of Peacocks

The day was over cast and gloomy and we were at the command of a 2 year old so the pictures are a little sparse.

So here are a few from previous trips.

This was from when the exhibit first opened and the glass was clean.


In the Tundra Cafe you can eat and water polar bear walk by.

They have a number of big cats.

Still that is not everything.


It is a good zoo and you can manage to see everything in one day but that would be a lot for most families.