Back From Florida

Because of my Teaching schedule at my Winnipeg music school, I cannot get away to someplace warm during the dead of winter. So I get away during the public school ‘winter’ break. I say winter as the schools can’t say Christmas and in quotes because it starts in late fall.

We do sometimes go to Orlando and theme park it but most of the time is spent in the 30a area of the Florida Panhandle.

Without the theme parks the vacation becomes a time of doing little. Walks, bike rides, beach walks, outdoor malls and of course fly fishing.

If you want to read about it you can got to my post on my fly fishing site here .

When we left it was a pretty typical early winter day.

So because of storms in Orlando and lightening strikes and some bad weather in T.O. our flight was delayed 3 hours. Instead of visiting family in Kissimmee, we checked into a hotel for an overnight.

The next day we made the 4-6 hour drive from Orlando to The Sanctuary at Redfish.

Once we arrived we found out we were on the 2nd floor or the 3rd floor condo. So we had a floor to ourselves with our own bathroom, Jacuzzi, shower and balcony.

Once in place it was time to decorate the Christmas tree!

Of course I brought the most important ornament!

One thing I like to do when I visit the states is buy alcohol that I cannot buy back at the socialist Liquor stores of Canada

Being the states it is typically bourbon. This Angel’s Envy was smooth and popular with everyone (none was left to take home) but it was not my favourite. That remains Blanton’s.

After Christmas it was a cycle of walks, bike rides, beach stroll and fishing. In the evenings I watch hockey or movies and relaxed.

Had to have sea food for sure and we got to BBQ once!

On one of those days we made a trip to the Gulfarium. An older style Aquarium.

And no trip would be complete for me without bird pictures! I found the same number of species as usual but I did feel they were in lower numbers. Now a major storm did pass by and the numbers seemed to be increasing as we left.

We have alternated between March break and Christmas for the last few years. Hoping to make it yearly to the 30a but we are also talking about Mexico!

Till Next time!