Fill in Musician

Fill in Musician Available Drums/Percussion/Guitar/Bass/Ukulele

Don’t say no or cancel gigs because you are short a member.

Call  Call Or Write me instead 204-487-3664

Coming to town solo and have no backing band?

I can fill in on whatever instrument you need and/or help you find the rest of the band

As evidenced by this site I am a multi instrumentalist, familiar and experienced with all commercial styles, available for your in-town paying work.

I can learn the material fast and you can book that gig.

Drums (electric and acoustic)

Percussion (Djembe Cajon Bodhran electronic)

Fancy Drum Picture

Guitar (Acoustic, Electric, Baritone, 7 String,  guitar synth and instrument modeling) Blond Arch Top Guitar Guitar on carpet long view Jazz Guitar Player Black and White

Electric Bass

Ukulele (Electric and acoustic)

Light Keyboards

Please note: I do not sing.

Robert Burton Musician
2025 Corydon Ave. #202
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3N 1P5