Newfoundland 2018 – Day 3.

There are so many things to in this city. Literally so much. Today was exploring some of this.

First off was setting up my rental amp and  guitar for convenient practice.

Grote 7 string and Fender Amp
My travel Guitar ready to go

Then off to one of our ‘to do’ restaurants Fish Exchange

Drinks, appetizers and fish of course.

Our mussels were great, as was the calamari. My Cod with  blue berry reduction was top notch. One meal wasn’t quite warm enough and another table had a similar issue. My bread pudding was meh and the skor bar cheese cake can be got anywhere.

Over all it was a little below par from what I expect from St. John’s eateries. Lunch was $170 so a little steep considering the imbalance .

Brigus Martini

Following that we tried to burn off that meal with a walk along the harbour. There was a large cruise ship in port. A little drizzling but a great temperature.

We did hit the liquor store again. The Newfoundland whiskey we bought the day before tasted too much like rye (despite no rye in it) so I got an Irish Whiskey I hadn’t tried before.

Single pot whiskey
Something for the fly fishing flask

Which brings us to the rest of my day. This city has two blue ribbon trout stream running right through the heart of it. The Waterford )where I fished last night) is fairly straight and flat. Tonight I fished the Rennie’s Mill River. This river has a high concentration of brown trout. I got a fish on the first cast and 20 fish for my 3-4 fishing.

Rennie’s has more turns and drops and water falls. It is almost the perfect river. I fished downstream for most of the time and then walked back to the car along the public path! Any river obstacles? Get on the path and walk around them.

One of Many Rennie’s River Brown Trout!

Then back home for a cup of tea.

We have a list of things to do and we’ll put a dent in it tomorrow.