Winnipeg Ukulele Lessons
Robert’s very first exposure to musical instruments was learning the ukulele.
Ukulele classes available during the day and evenings
The Ukulele was invented in Hawaii and is used in traditional Hawaiian folk music.
Today the ukulele has worked its way in to popular music and TV themes.
Robert treats the “Uke” like he does any other instrument. Robert teaches you to read music and follow chord charts to popular songs.
He can teach you the difference between soprano, concert, tenor and bartione ukuleles. Most students start out on Soprano Ukulele as it is the most popular member of the ukulele family
I have Adults, Teens and Kids taking “Uke” classes at my music school
The ukulele is a great alternative for kids between 5 and 7 who are too young for the guitar and not interested in piano or violin.
Adults and teens are learning the ukulele because it is a hip and cool instrument that is highly portable.
Robert Burton Musician
2025 Corydon Ave. #202
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3N 1P5