Wish App Low Cost Wire Less Guitar Rig

I recently got a wireless rig through the Wish App. For $50 CAD it is well worth it. I have been wanting one for a while for teaching mostly. I wiz around on my stool on wheels going between the student and my deck etc. A couple of times I thought the cable was trying to kill me. I thought the new generation of less expensive and lower profile wireless systems would be nice. I looked up and few and thought the Boss one would be nice but at $240 might have to wait.

Well you know how advertising works right? My social media and google ads led me to the wish app’s version that was 20% of the price.

I got it today, did a short video and this short post.

Over all it does the job fine the latency is listed at less that 12mms and is unnoticeable to my ears.

Robert Burton Musician
2025 Corydon Ave. #202
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3N 1P5


    1. The transmitter seems to last 3 hours and the receiver longer still. I have ordered a second unit so I don’t have to keep bringing them from the studio to the school. Then I’ll see if that is the way of things or unique to this particular set

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